Beautiful Minds

 Kids & Teens Activities

Beautiful Minds tackles the tough topics, bringing them to light so our youth feel empowered, educated and supported throughout their often-challenging journey of being a teenager.

Today, Marina and her team of 85 expert educators, deliver workshops to thousands of Australian teens and adults each year. She has received both national and international press for the success of her business and the impact she has on the community. Marina was interviewed by The Washington Post and selected as a world leader in the youth space.

This year, Beautiful Minds educated 1.5 million school students through their school diary content. The Beautiful Minds content has the approval of the Australian Education Department with content being gifted to 3.5 million parents through an online school diary.

As of 2019, Beautiful Minds will be available worldwide through our series of online programs and regular events hosted in Australia and the US.

Beautiful Minds is Australia’s leading brand in peak performance and mental fitness for kids aged 8 – 17. Our world-class coaches give children a tool-kit to deal with overwhelm, which often leads to PTSD and trauma. Our sole focus is on optimal wellbeing and true mental fitness. We offer school programs in over 935 schools, workshops, retreats and online programs.

If you ever need any blogs or content, please let us know. We would love to support you anyway we can.

1000% ME

You’re a parent of an ADHD child and you want to better understand your child’s sometimes complicated inner world? 

You want to stop taking your child to ‘experts’ and learn tools and strategies to help your child and manage them when they find themselves in a tough moment?

Your ADHD child is frustrated at being labelled ‘difficult’ and feels that nobody understands them?

Introducing 1000% ME

Created by Beautiful Minds, the artistic directors of Cirque Du Soleil and Harvard Psychologists.

Facilitated by Cluster Arts – Australia’s premier performing arts touring company

Hosted at Urban Xtreme – Queensland’s No.1 indoor adventure park

Our 1000% ME experience provides children and parents with ADHD the opportunity to turn problems into opportunities. Circus people use their unique strengths to achieve success in the world. The best circus has leaders who know how to manage themselves and complex groups. The goal of every circus performer is to build a strong relationship with their audience so after the show they leave as lifelong circus friends. 

Circus is for every MIND and BODY

Circus is filled with ordinary people doing extraordinary things Within Circus, ALL people are accepted for who they are.

It has the capacity to unlock your child’s smarts or special intelligence gift.

In this safe space, each child can express their true self.

ADHD students will use their 1000% ME experience to dive into their essential skills to thrive in the busy worlds of the home and the school. 

Follow-up guidance is provided to draw direct connections between a successful circus performance and academic achievement in the classroom. 

This circus experience is uniquely powerful because it is rooted in the theory of multiple intelligences developed by Dr. Branton Shearer at Harvard University.


Your child will learn how to build strengths

Manage themselves to focus on SUCCESS

Become a better friend

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