Welcome to ADHD Support Australia
An online resource created by ADHD parent, Vivian Dunstan
Whether in Australia or globally, ADHD Support Australia strives to meet your needs as an ADHD parent/carer, adult, teen or professional.
We provide a nurturing and friendly online community and live expert speaker events where you can build your knowledge and learn how to manage ADHD.
Our Patreon membership allows you to catch up on past recordings, slides & handouts, and 10% off online parenting courses.
Our Online PEERS Social Skills for Teens or Young Adults provide an internationally recognised, evidenced-based 14-week program to teach social skills and social confidence.
Our popular online parenting course provides skills & strategies to empower you as a parent and an opportunity to share and discuss your experiences with others facing similar challenges.
Parenting in a digital world is relatively new. Many parents have been caught off-guard by the myriad of devices and online platforms that their children are now exposed to. This increased screen use can be detrimental to the developing brain and can become addictive, or at least squeeze out preferable activities, particularly for our neurodivergent community. We are pleased to offer parents a comprehensive guide to how and why to best navigate screen use via the online Digital Parenting Program.
Our online NeuroACT Program for teens and adults is a 12-week evidence-based online program to assist neurodiverse individuals increase mindfulness and reduce stress.
Our comprehensive ADHD directory has links to practitioners, services, resources and products to support you on your journey.
There are so many options to explore – every journey is unique but our community is non-judgmental. Whatever combination of treatment modalities you decide on, we’re here to support you.
Since 2013, it has been my honour and pleasure to guide many families through what can be a stressful and chaotic journey, in a purposeful and supportive way.
Thank you for visiting, we’re sure you’ll find everything you need.
Vivian Dunstan
Watch our video
Our ADHD Support Services

Digital Parenting
Our Online Digital Parenting Program will support you to create healthier digital habits in your family.

Social Skills
Our 14-week online PEERS Social Skills program for Teens or Young Adults teaches social skills & confidence.

Mindfulness & Stress Reduction
Our 12-week online NeuroACT program for neurodiverse teens and adults aims to build resilience, manage emotions and improve well-being.
Recent Blog Posts
Why Social Skills are so Important for Mental Wellbeing and Tips for Improving them
Social skills are crucial for forming meaningful and lasting relationships, which help make us more resilient. Unfortunately, poor social skills […]
Read More ›What I Wish Neurotypicals Knew About ADHD & Time Blindness: Why Being Late Isn't About Laziness or Lack of Care
Ever wondered why someone with ADHD is often late or struggles to stick to routines? Those of us with ADHD […]
Read More ›Mastering Time: 12 Tips to help you get places on time with ADHD
Living with ADHD often means navigating a world that operates on a different time wavelength. For those with ADHD, punctuality […]
Read More ›The Dangers of Social Media, Gaming, and Devices for Young People with ADHD & Autism
In an era where screens reign supreme and virtual connections often overshadow face-to-face interactions, the impact of social media, gaming, […]
Read More ›What People Are Saying
Frances Pellegrini
MumThe community don’t know how lucky they are to have you! I really wish we lived closer so we could attend your amazing speaker evenings.
MumI left the talk feeling energised and positive! It was good to feel that all of our hard work and patience was going to be rewarded and that good things are in our futures. I will keep an eye on your calendar for upcoming sessions.
Keep up the great work. Very impressive.
Sharyn Whitton
Owner / Newport Education CentreThanks for your fantastic efforts to educate our parents. It really does make a difference!
Pauline Allan
MumI learned so much last night and am looking forward to attending many more speaker evenings. Thank you for helping families of ADHD children, it would be so much harder without ADHD Support Australia. Very, very much appreciated.
This is an exceptionally well-run group. The speaker evenings are informative and we are always kept informed of what's on in the community.
Thanks for all the work that you do, I personally think it is amazing, and you have built up a fantastic resource for ADHD families.
YOU and the meetings have been the best support! I am indebted to you.
You’re doing an amazing job helping so many parents navigate the challenges of ADHD! Your efforts are really appreciated.
Learning Support TeacherI wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed the speaker evenings over the years and how helpful the information has been for my teaching position and personal life. I am looking forward to attending many more sessions. The effort you put in to supporting parents and members of the community is amazing! It's so comprehensive and well-organised and I want to acknowledge that and thank you for it.
MumThank you for the talk on ADHD & Anxiety tonight, I went away feeling comforted to know that there are obviously so many other parents out there battling with the same issues that we deal with on a day-to-day basis and that we're not alone.
ADHD ParentWhen I didn’t know what to do next or where to go, I found you, your parenting course and speaker nights and I could relax knowing I was gaining the knowledge I needed to travel this unexpected road with my family. 100% open minded with regards to medication I have never felt any judgement only support and encouragement to keep trying. Meeting other parents who understand has been invaluable. Thank you from the bottom of my heart Vivian.
School CounsellorThese talks are a great resource for all parents, even if your child does not have ADHD. The speakers are well selected, well informed and provide meaningful and practical recommendations for some challenging situations. I recommend the benefits of attending and joining this organisation to many parents I see.
ParentI just wanted to say what a wonderful and informative talk it was last night from Helen Padarin, I thoroughly enjoyed it and could’ve listened to her share her knowledge and perspective for hours! Well done and thank you to all involved for making these speaker evenings possible.
Vivian Dunstan has done an extraordinary job establishing ADHD Support Australia. My journey would have been so different without all the information and support that Vivian has provided. We are very fortunate that professionals such as Ian Wallace are so generous with their time sharing their knowledge to help us understand more about our children.
Thank you for helping families of ADHD children, it would be so much harder without ADHD Support Australia. Very, very much appreciated.
You’re doing an amazing job helping so many parents navigate the challenges of ADHD! Your efforts are really appreciated!
I have found ADHD Support Australia so helpful. The parenting course, the speakers, the special events and the website have been great resources. It has also been wonderful to connect with other people in the ADHD community. Vivian is so knowledgeable and helpful and caring. I consider myself very fortunate to have found this group and that it is on the Northern Beaches!
The speaker evenings are invaluable. Sometimes you might only pick up one tip, other times a dozen new strategies. But I always come away knowing that I am not alone and wanting to rush home and hug my child!
If your child has ADHD you need to get along to these fab speaker evenings!
Parent & Teacher
The Ian Wallace talk was very informative for myself as a parent of an ADHD child and also being a teacher I was given some great strategies to use in the classroom.
I just wanted to say Thank You!! After attending one of your recent speaker sessions at Pittwater RSL, my daughter has had an assessment through the Child Development Clinic (Dr Yeoh/Jessica Staniland) and now has a formal diagnosis for her ADHD, ASD & Anxiety. It has taken many years to get to this point (and several countries) and we can't thank you enough for putting us in touch with the right people in our new country of residence. Keep up the good work - you are amazing and a valuable resource to local families. We are eternally grateful.
I would not have survived the last 5 years without your Support Group! You are very much appreciated!
Both my sons have been diagnosed with ADHD, my oldest inattentive, youngest hyperactive/impulsive. I have found the work you do to be invaluable to me as a mum and teacher. Thank you so much.
Thank you for your ongoing efforts to share and support families and educators in this field.
Our journey is still ongoing, but it's down to you providing information so families can access help and support that really makes a difference to so many lives.
I have found ADHD Support Australia so helpful. The parenting course, the speakers, the special events and the website have been great resources. It has also been wonderful to connect with other people in the ADHD community. Vivian is so knowledgeable and helpful and caring. I consider myself very fortunate to have found this group!
What a wonderful resource you have created for us parents who are trying to support our children! Thank you very much!!
Amazing. I’m so grateful as a parent
Parent Attendee - ADHD & Careers with Claire Pech
Excellent. Claire is a wonderful presenter and extremely knowledgeable. She presented as warm and approachable.
Parent Attendee - ADHD & Careers with Claire Pech
Fantastic - very positive and helpful. There are soo many opportunities out there for our kids. We just need to look outside the box and seek support. Thank you
Parent Attendee - ADHD & Careers with Claire Pech
Great! very helpful and lots of good tips and suggestions for when we are getting nowhere with discussions at home on post Year 12
Parent Attendee - ADHD & Careers with Claire Pech
Fantastic. Practical directions to discuss with my year 11 child. I always worry about what comes after school. Thank you for organising.
Attendee - ADHD & Relationships with Melissa Orlov
Loved it, my partner with ADHD listened in on the first hour which is a record. It really helped clarify where we need to put more effort in, but also was a nice reminder of how far we've come.
Attendee - ADHD & Relationships with Melissa Orlov
Fantastic. First time attending. I will sign up for membership and continue to watch these presentations.
Attendee - ADHD & Relationships with Melissa Orlov
I enjoyed it. A lot of great information. A lot of tough pills to swallow
Attendee - ADHD & Relationships with Melissa Orlov
It was excellent, so informative, relatable and well delivered. Thank you so much for this opportunity!
Attendee at Dr Ari Tuckman's talk on ADHD & Intimate Relationships
Great. An absolute revelation to hear myself described, I didn't realise I was such a cliche! Well worth taking an early lunch from work for.
Attendee at Dr Ari Tuckman's talk on ADHD & Intimate Relationships
Loved it. I found it validates steps that we are already taking, but also gave many discussion topics for my partner and I.
Attendee at Dr Ari Tuckman's talk on ADHD & Intimate Relationships
Absolutely fantastic, will be getting my partner to view it on Patreon, thanks!
Attendee at Dr Ari Tuckman's talk on ADHD & Intimate Relationships
Absolutely excellent talk - Ari Tuckman was very deeply informed on the topic, communicated succinctly & so helpfully. He has a genuine care for people. So great.
Attendee at Dr Ari Tuckman's talk on ADHD & Intimate Relationships
Great talk - good insights and some helpful ADHD Life strategies to make relationships better.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
Amazing knowledge imparted. Affirming in a wonderful way - did not feel pathologizing.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
It was well worth it and a very poignant topic for us as a household.
Attendee at Kirsty Wirth's talk on Gut Health
AMAZING this has opened up so so much hope for me and my family for a happier future for my son with ADHD ODD
Attendee at Kirsty Wirth's talk on Gut Health
Excellent and very clear, so much to take in ...thought Kirsty was very approachable and positive in her approach and very knowledgeable...liked the real life anecdotes...
Attendee at Kirsty Wirth's talk on Gut Health
Great -- very informative. Opened up a whole new world of microbiomes to investigate. My daughters and probably myself all have gut issues to investigate.
Attendee at Kirsty Wirth's talk on Gut Health
Very informative and I am more aware how gut health makes a significant difference
Attendee at Kirsty Wirth's talk on Gut Health
Great, so much to cover, it did feel like we'd scratched the surface. Well worth attending
Attendee at Dr Ned Hallowell's talk on ADHD Explained
Thank you so much for organizing. This was my first time, and I found it very valuable. The information was clear, and I loved that it was strength-based info rather than a deficit emphasis.
Attendee at Dr Ned Hallowell's talk on ADHD Explained
Brilliant. I could have sat and learned all day. Both wonderful speakers with so much knowledge I could hardly put my pen down to get down all the great quotes, references, and professionals' names.
Attendee at Dr Ned Hallowell's talk on ADHD Explained
Liked the focus on positive aspects of ADHD - very affirming. Also outsourcing and coaching for some of the organizational things we are not so good at. Great questions and responses.
Attendee at Dr Ned Hallowell's talk on ADHD Explained
Very informative, great speaker, first time I have heard ADHD spoken of positively.
Attendee at Dr Ned Hallowell's talk on ADHD Explained
Vivian's Q and A very informative. I knew that blue light is bad for sleep hygiene, but you explained why (as bright as midday sun). Lots of other very helpful explanations too!
Attendee at Dr Ned Hallowell's talk on ADHD Explained
It's so wonderful hearing from experts and getting to understand who I am better. I am learning so much, and it makes me feel much better about myself.
Attendee at Dr Ned Hallowell's talk on ADHD Explained
Informative. Covered lots of topics. Great ideas in the chat.
Attendee at Dr Dianne Grocott's talk on Helping Women with ADHD - Oct 2023
Really enjoyed. Great coverage of the medication and myths, and great to hear about the aspects of perimenopause and hormone effects.
Attendee at Dr Dianne Grocott's talk on Helping Women with ADHD - Oct 2023
The speaker was incredibly knowledgeable and delivered valuable and practical information.
Attendee at Dr Dianne Grocott's talk on Helping Women with ADHD - Oct 2023
She did cover excellent new topsoils that included hormones and different sides of medication. The library resource looks excellent
Attendee at Dr Dianne Grocott's talk on Helping Women with ADHD - Oct 2023
I thought it was excellent! I felt teary and validated at times!
Attendee at Dr Dianne Grocott's talk on Helping Women with ADHD - Oct 2023
Amazing! Dr Grocott is always warm and informative. We are lucky to get these opportunities to Listen to her speak.
Attendee at Dr Dianne Grocott's talk on Helping Women with ADHD - Oct 2023
Always excellent to hear that the stigma of ADHD is reducing. Even with doctors.
Attendee at Dr Dianne Grocott's talk on Helping Women with ADHD - Oct 2023
It was very engaging and informative. Dr Dianne Grocott did an amazing job. Thanks for organising this Vivian. It was an honour to be in your presence.
Attendee at Dr Dianne Grocott's talk on Helping Women with ADHD - Oct 2023
In 35 years as a clinical psychologist, probably the best I've ever heard!
Attendee at Dr Rosalba Courtney's talk on Healthy Breathing Healthy Child - Nov 2023
This talk was amazing. The presenter was very knowledgeable and the information was backed up with research! This has given me lots to consider in my clinical practice.
Attendee at Jamie Blume's talk on (IFS) Model to Help People with ADHD Thrive - January 2024
Excellent. Loved it all.
Attendee at Jamie Blume's talk on (IFS) Model to Help People with ADHD Thrive - January 2024
Informative and practical
Attendee at Jamie Blume's talk on (IFS) Model to Help People with ADHD Thrive - January 2024
I thought it was helpful, liked the strategies. Made me think about new approaches to issues.
Attendee at Jamie Blume's talk on (IFS) Model to Help People with ADHD Thrive - January 2024
Engaging and informative. Thank you.
Attendee at Jamie Blume's talk on (IFS) Model to Help People with ADHD Thrive - January 2024
Thanks Jamie - so much help - much appreciated your fulsome answer to my question about my young adult son
Attendee at Jamie Blume's talk on (IFS) Model to Help People with ADHD Thrive - January 2024
Thanks for a wonderful presentation and a fabulous response to my question. Thank you.
Attendee at Dr Terry Lims's talk on ADHD & Trauma - March 2024
Thank you so much for this evening’s talk. Well hosted and fascinating presentation.
Attendee at Dr Terry Lims's talk on ADHD & Trauma - March 2024
Dr Lim gave an amazing talk, and covered the topic well! Would love to join his talk again!
Attendee at Dr Terry Lim's talk on ADHD & Trauma - March 2024
Very interesting and well timed, as I've only recently started to link the childhood trauma of my adopted ADHD son to his ADHD symptoms.
Attendee at Dr Terry Lim's talk on ADHD & Trauma - March 2024
Great talk, lots of examples to back up clinical knowledge
Attendee at Dr Terry Lim's talk on ADHD & Trauma - March 2024
Very informative and interesting. I liked that Dr. Terry provided case studies and that he provided his honest clinical opinions, followed by his reasoning behind them.
Attendee at Dr Terry Lim's talk on ADHD & Trauma - March 2024
Fantastic. Lovely to see a young psychiatrist with a very client-centered outlook and a non-rigid one also. Thank you.
Attendee at Dr Terry Lim's talk on ADHD & Trauma - March 2024
Great insights into ADHD and Trauma by Dr. Lim, really enjoyed that he made it simple to understand and follow, especially the window of regulation
Attendee at Dr Terry Lim's talk on ADHD & Trauma - March 2024
Brilliant. Terry was amazing. Would love to hear from him again soon.
Attendee at Dr Terry Lim's talk on ADHD & Trauma - March 2024
Very insightful and was very informative in a positive way. I love the way he and his clinic works with the patients to find the causes and deal with what is a major issue for them.
Attendee - Expanding Our Understanding of The Human Brain with Professor Charlie Teo
Really appreciated hearing from Dr Charlie Teo.
I really enjoyed the science.
Attendee - Expanding Our Understanding of The Human Brain with Professor Charlie Teo
Great, always innovative
Attendee - Expanding Our Understanding of The Human Brain with Professor Charlie Teo
Great topic useful information
Attendee - Expanding Our Understanding of The Human Brain with Professor Charlie Teo
Attendee - Expanding Our Understanding of The Human Brain with Professor Charlie Teo
Brilliant talk and to see a different angle
Attendee - Expanding Our Understanding of The Human Brain with Professor Charlie Teo
Fantastic, very insightful
Attendee - Expanding Our Understanding of The Human Brain with Professor Charlie Teo
Charlie is a brilliant man with a wealth of knowledge & wisdom
Attendee - Expanding Our Understanding of The Human Brain with Professor Charlie Teo
Informative, and learnt a lot about brain function.
Attendee - Expanding Our Understanding of The Human Brain with Professor Charlie Teo
Charlie is an incredibly gifted man and it will be great to see where the research goes.
Attendee - Expanding Our Understanding of The Human Brain with Professor Charlie Teo
Extremely informative, and very easy to follow along"
Attendee - Expanding Our Understanding of The Human Brain with Professor Charlie Teo
Very informative. I love it. Dr Teo explained it well in a language that I was able to understand.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
Very good. I suspect I have ADHD and I am in the process of being tested.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
Excellent. Science-based. Good strategies in point form.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
I love Russell Ramsay! Great examples and so tailored to ADHD.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
Excellent - am off to buy the workbook 🙂
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
It was great. As a person has just discovered what has caused me so many issues over the years it was great to finally connect that it is not my fault or failure & that I can work towards having tools.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
I found it informative. I am a female adult with a recent diagnosis of ADHD. I am interested in getting as much information as possible.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
Many of the topics discussed are relatable, which certainly helps to focus on and take away strategies to get through everyday things, moving forward.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
This is one of the most helpful talks I have ever heard, along with those by R Barkley and E Hallowell. I have listened to hundreds of podcasts. Highly informative, well delivered, evidence based.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
Really great to know I'm not alone in the struggle and others have very similar experiences.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
I thought it was invaluable. Thank you, Russ Ramsay.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
Excellent. Enlightening, validating, and reassuring that I am not alone with these frustrating behaviors.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
I found it very accurate from the shared stories of lived experience with ADHD.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
Fantastic explains who I am and why I do what I do - so many resources to look into for help.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
It was great to feel understood and given practical tools to use and pointed to resources.
Attendee at Dr Russell Ramsay's talk on Procrastivity & ADHD
Excellent - insightful - learned really valuable change behavior which I will take with me - Never done writing - just reach the deadline - YES YES YES!!!!!
Attendee at Organization and Time Management for Adolescents and Adults with Dr Craig Sidol
That was amazing! So clear and succinct. Can’t wait to use these strategies on myself but also with my clients within my OT practice! Thank you so much Craig, and thank you for organising, Vivian.
Attendee at Organization and Time Management for Adolescents and Adults with Dr Craig Sidol
The slides were schematic and practical. Thank you!
Attendee at Organization and Time Management for Adolescents and Adults with Dr Craig Sidol
Thank you Craig. Very grateful! Empathy, strategies, and help seeking- all good!
Attendee at Organization and Time Management for Adolescents and Adults with Dr Craig Sidol
Today’s presentation has been incredibly helpful for myself and will benefit my family and work role. Very practical and well presented in the quality of the slides, both presenters VERY down to earth, engaging and helpful. I am glad that the adolescents and adult experience have been combined in this presentation. So much goes across these age groups. An amazing and beneficial morning, thanks so much!
Attendee at Organization and Time Management for Adolescents and Adults with Dr Craig Sidol
Thank you for such a clear and succinct presentation. Very helpful!
Attendee at Organization and Time Management for Adolescents and Adults with Dr Craig Sidol
Thank you very much! Great presentation.
Attendee at Organization and Time Management for Adolescents and Adults with Dr Craig Sidol
Thank you! This session was great and absolutely relatable in every way.
Attendee at Organization and Time Management for Adolescents and Adults with Dr Craig Sidol
The presenter was knowledgeable and provided useful information.
Attendee at Organization and Time Management for Adolescents and Adults with Dr Craig Sidol
Excellent! Craig was informative, engaging, clear, and succinct.
Attendee at Organization and Time Management for Adolescents and Adults with Dr Craig Sidol
Excellent speaker. His knowledge and ability to hit the nail on the head across many idiosyncrasies that I connected with was very reassuring in a way that I haven't come across before.
Parent Attendee at July 2024 Online Talk with Melanie Roche
Really interesting and extremely well organised and presented. Wonderful guest presenter.
Parent Attendee at July 2024 Online Talk with Melanie Roche
Parent Attendee at July 2024 Online Talk with Melanie Roche
Amazing, very informative.
Parent Attendee at July 2024 Online Talk with Melanie Roche
Loved It!
Parent Attendee at July 2024 Online Talk with Melanie Roche
Wonderful, very informative which gave me information of where to look for resources.
Parent Attendee at July 2024 Online Talk with Melanie Roche
A wonderful , engaging and comprehensive talk.
Parent Attendee at July 2024 Online Talk with Melanie Roche
Interesting and useful to understand what the research says.
Parent Attendee at July 2024 Online Talk with Melanie Roche
Very informative & a great speaker.
Parent Attendee at July 2024 Online Talk with Melanie Roche
It was fantastic. Brilliantly led by both as well as with answering questions from participants.
Parent Attendee at July 2024 Online Talk with Melanie Roche
The speaker Melanie was very professional. The talk was great. Thank you.
Parent Attendee at July 2024 Online Talk with Melanie Roche
Very informative and practical.
Parent Attendee at Strategies for Improving Social Skills in Teens & Young Adults
Thank you for this informative session.
Parent Attendee at Strategies for Improving Social Skills in Teens & Young Adults
Very helpful and informative - thank you!
Parent Attendee at Strategies for Improving Social Skills in Teens & Young Adults
Gave me more insight and better understanding.
Parent Attendee at Strategies for Improving Social Skills in Teens & Young Adults
Parent Attendee at Strategies for Improving Social Skills in Teens & Young Adults
Really informative.
Parent Attendee at Strategies for Improving Social Skills in Teens & Young Adults
Really good & informative.
Parent Attendee at Strategies for Improving Social Skills in Teens & Young Adults
Informative and positive.
Parent Attendee at Strategies for Improving Social Skills in Teens & Young Adults
Very worthwhile and informative especially the videos of what not to and what to do in social settings.
Parent Attendee at Strategies for Improving Social Skills in Teens & Young Adults
Attendee - August 2024 Online Talk with Cecilia Macaulay
Awesome! Surpassed my expectations.
Attendee - August 2024 Online Talk with Cecilia Macaulay
It was good and had ideas I hadn't thought of.
Attendee - August 2024 Online Talk with Cecilia Macaulay
A wonderful opportunity to learn simple strategies and self talk. Also such a calming presenter.
Attendee - August 2024 Online Talk with Cecilia Macaulay
Very informative with practical ideas.
Attendee - August 2024 Online Talk with Cecilia Macaulay
It was very interesting and the speaker was great.
Attendee - August 2024 Online Talk with Cecilia Macaulay
It was interesting to see what I already do in my space to cope and how this can be improved. I liked how the presentation was interactive, to see the changes and the hints with communication.
Attendee - August 2024 Online Talk with Cecilia Macaulay
Fantastic. So inspiring. Great to see Cecilia talk with a different audience.
Attendee - September 2024 Online Talk with with Dr. Heather Tedesco
Great talk!
Attendee - September 2024 Online Talk with with Dr. Heather Tedesco
Very informative, comprehensive, easy to follow and understand. Thank you!
Attendee - September 2024 Online Talk with with Dr. Heather Tedesco
Excellent talk, and lovely examples of issues discussed that keep it simple and clear.
Attendee - September 2024 Online Talk with with Dr. Heather Tedesco
Attendee - September 2024 Online Talk with with Dr. Heather Tedesco
Very clearly spoken, great pace.
Attendee - September 2024 Online Talk with with Dr. Heather Tedesco
It was very informative.
Attendee - September 2024 Online Talk with with Dr. Heather Tedesco
Thanks to this fantastic chat, I found it practical, helpful and got so many take-aways as a mother and as a professional.
Attendee - October 2024 Online Talk with Nicole DeMassi
Fabulous if I had known about ADHD when my kids lived @ home, 2 had binging & anorexia, I hadn't heard of ADHD in 2000. This is what I searched for back then sadly I found little.
Attendee - October 2024 Online Talk with Nicole DeMassi
It was very useful to understand more about intuitive eating. Whilst our experience isn't binge eating, it was still useful to understand how him avoiding foods is part of 'restrictive' eating cycle.
Attendee - October 2024 Online Talk with Nicole DeMassi
Excellent. Well prepared, sound knowledge and delivered in a non-judgmental and empathic manner.
Attendee - October 2024 Online Talk with Nicole DeMassi
Loved the validation that ADHDers have issues with food. Helps to not feel like a failure.
Attendee - October 2024 Online Talk with Nicole DeMassi
I liked the interaction and that I was confronted about my current thinking and experience. I didn't know what restricting was doing to my eating behaviours.
Attendee - October 2024 Online Talk with Nicole DeMassi
It was very informative.
Attendee - October 2024 Online Talk with Nicole DeMassi
Fantastic and interesting, and I absolutely can relate to what was presented and discussed.
Attendee - November 2024 Online Talk - Emma Hall
Super helpful, very relevant and validating - thank you!
Attendee - November 2024 Online Talk - Emma Hall
Fantastic talk, realistic and easy strategies given.
Attendee - November 2024 Online Talk - Emma Hall
Fantastic! Relatable, accessible and safe.
Attendee - November 2024 Online Talk - Emma Hall
Really useful. I hadn't really thought about my impulsive spending or habitual spending like coffee.
Attendee - November 2024 Online Talk - Emma Hall
It was interesting to think about where I get my values and ideas around money.
Attendee - December 2024 Online Talk on Avoiding Festive ADHD Burnout with Amy Brown
“Loved it. Amy was so easy to listen to. Sensible information.”
Attendee - December 2024 Online Talk on Avoiding Festive ADHD Burnout with Amy Brown
“Really enjoyed this talk and it got me reflecting a lot about myself during this time of the year.”
Attendee - December 2024 Online Talk on Avoiding Festive ADHD Burnout with Amy Brown
“It was excellent, Amy was a really great presenter - had the perfect balance of clinical wisdom and lived experience insights - the format was really engaging.”
Attendee - December 2024 Online Talk on Avoiding Festive ADHD Burnout with Amy Brown
“It was really eye-opening but also I have never sat through a talk like this where I felt I could relate to everything that was being presented.”
Attendee - December 2024 Online Talk on Avoiding Festive ADHD Burnout with Amy Brown
“Excellent, very clear, easy to understand.”
Attendee - December 2024 Online Talk on Avoiding Festive ADHD Burnout with Amy Brown
“Brilliant, so relevant and helpful. Thanks Amy.” 😄
Attendee - December 2024 Online Talk on Avoiding Festive ADHD Burnout with Amy Brown
"Very, Very good!
Attendee - December 2024 Online Talk on Avoiding Festive ADHD Burnout with Amy Brown
“Thank you Amy. That was great and super validating.”
Attendee - December 2024 Online Talk on Avoiding Festive ADHD Burnout with Amy Brown
“This was such a great presentation, thank you! And very timely - thanks for giving lots of practical tips.” 👏
Attendee - December 2024 Online Talk on Avoiding Festive ADHD Burnout with Amy Brown
“Thank you so much for an incredibly helpful talk. So grateful to you!!”
Attendee - December 2024 Online Talk on Avoiding Festive ADHD Burnout with Amy Brown
“Thank you Amy - seriously great webinar, resonated with all of it.”
Attendee - December 2024 Online Talk on Avoiding Festive ADHD Burnout with Amy Brown
“Thank you so much for this webinar. I really connected strongly with what was presented and I realised I’m not alone in this.”
Attendee - Navigating ADHD: Strategies for Cultivating Calm in Your Family with Vivian Dunstan
“Well put together, presented and informative”
Attendee - Navigating ADHD: Strategies for Cultivating Calm in Your Family with Vivian Dunstan
“I enjoyed the different aspects laid out in an acronym. This is helpful to remember things”
Attendee - Navigating ADHD: Strategies for Cultivating Calm in Your Family with Vivian Dunstan
“Very informative and supportive”
Attendee - Navigating ADHD: Strategies for Cultivating Calm in Your Family with Vivian Dunstan
“Very helpful and insightful easy to take away the advice and learn”
Attendee - Navigating ADHD: Strategies for Cultivating Calm in Your Family with Vivian Dunstan
“Vivian's talk tonight was exactly what I needed. A wonderful, informative session that I recommend to all parents, grandparents, carers and teachers of kids with ADHD.”
Attendee - Goal Planning - An ADHD Workshop with Christal Wang
"Great, Chris was awesome."
Attendee - Goal Planning - An ADHD Workshop with Christal Wang
"Loved it - the topic was timed perfectly for where so many of us are at."
Attendee - Goal Planning - An ADHD Workshop with Christal Wang
"Great - love the concept of 'intentions' rather than 'goals' - feels more authentic somehow."
Attendee - Goal Planning - An ADHD Workshop with Christal Wang
"Really good - as mentioned I made a couple of appointments to help achieve my goals already, and feel I've made a good start."
Attendee - Goal Planning - An ADHD Workshop with Christal Wang
"It was engaging, interactive and very useful."
Attendee - Goal Planning - An ADHD Workshop with Christal Wang
"She was an excellent speaker. She was warm, engaging, and clearly knew the subject matter. I appreciate the lunchtime schedule. I like that it was interactive and not too big a group, and felt very safe."
Attendee - Goal Planning - An ADHD Workshop with Christal Wang
"She was an excellent speaker. She was warm, engaging, and clearly knew the subject matter. I appreciate the lunchtime schedule. I like that it was interactive and not too big a group, and felt very safe."
Attendee - Goal Planning - An ADHD Workshop with Christal Wang
"Slick, well-paced, very helpful. I would like to know more about why specifically ADHD interrupts our goal setting, so we can combat more effectively."
Attendee - Goal Planning - An ADHD Workshop with Christal Wang
"I love a structure to work to. This is super helpful to take me from intention to actions that I’ll actually do."
Attendee - Goal Planning - An ADHD Workshop with Christal Wang
"Thanks Chris - so inspiring x."
Attendee - Goal Planning - An ADHD Workshop with Christal Wang
"Thank you Chris and Vivian - really enjoyed this session."
Attendee - Goal Planning - An ADHD Workshop with Christal Wang
"Thank you Chris for a great presentation and Vivian for organising a great speaker again."
Attendee - Goal Planning - An ADHD Workshop with Christal Wang
"Thank you for the copied sheet, now I can go back and really go through my goals." "This has been wonderful, Chris & Vivian, thank you."