The Dangers of Social Media, Gaming, and Devices for Young People with ADHD & Autism

In an era where screens reign supreme and virtual connections often overshadow face-to-face interactions, the impact of social media, gaming, and excessive device usage on the mental health of our young people has become a pressing concern. This concern is amplified for vulnerable populations, especially those with ADHD, Autism, or who already experience social challenges and I see this on a daily basis supporting young people and families in the ADHD and Autism community.

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Unlocking Social Success: 5 tips for helping your young person navigate the new school year

The beginning of a new school year should be a fresh start, full of opportunities for new friendships and experiences.   However, for many young people, particularly those with ADHD or Autism, who may well have spent the summer break isolated and lonely, returning to school can be a daunting prospect.

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Boy lying face down on the floor while holding a gaming console and mom and dad pulling his leg

Online Gaming – Friend or Foe?

Understanding Your Young Person’s Obsession with Gaming


Does your young person retreat online to escape, spending hours staring at a screen playing games that seem to have no end? Do you have difficulty getting them to disengage from the screen, encountering major meltdowns and unwarranted aggression when you try and take the screen away? 

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ADHD and Dental Care

ADHD or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a chronic condition that makes it difficult for a person to pay attention and control impulsive behaviors. When it comes to going to the dentist, patients with ADHD have a tendency to feel anxious or stressed which can make it hard for them to focus and sit still during a dental appointment.

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The Positive Aspects of ADHD and Successful ADHD Adults

Finally, a study that can support my clients in moving forward! If you think it’s tough for kids with ADHD to thrive amongst the social stigma, then imagine how it feels for an adult with ADHD, given most of our population is not aware that ADHD may persist into adulthood.  Late last year a study was released called “Positive Aspects of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.”

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Why Can’t My Child with ADHD Sleep at Night?


Does your child struggle to sleep each night?  Do they pop in and out of bed multiple times for a drink of water, to ask yet another “burning” question that can’t wait until the morning, or want another goodnight hug? Do they wake often in the night and have trouble re-settling themselves? Are they difficult to wake in the morning?

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