Connect ADHD and Executive Function Coaching
Jonathan and Monica Hassall are specialised ADHD and Executive Function coaches. We coach our clients face-to- face or via webinar platform (ZOOM) to support them reaching their goals or improve their performance in a variety of life areas; such as time management, sleep issues, motivation, relationships and productivity to name but a few. Together we can create strategies by understanding how ADHD works, what can be changed and coaching our clients “how”.
As well as individual coaching, we offer a number of programs for clients of all ages.
- Parent as Coach is aimed at connecting with parents of children with ADHD to guide them how to provide the best environment and strategies for their children.
- The Couples Coach program focuses on re-establishing understanding, trust, and intimacy between couples where at least one person has ADHD.
- The Student program, suitable for high school and University students, is an on-demand, on-line program with a face to face component.
- Coming in 2019 is our “ Connect ADHD Group Coaching Program” .
We work with our clients to create strategies, think clearly and function effectively in their environment.