Social Alchemy

Social Alchemy

Great alchemy relies on the smallest of details… the quality and integrity of each ingredient is key when making our potions; from sourcing, harvesting, to the way they are blended.

We believe in recharging the body, in nourishment, in long term health over short term pick me ups.
We believe the antidote to stress is support.
We believe in slowing down and looking up, in disconnecting from devices and plugging into community.
We believe that the world is changing and that we have the POWER to create a change for the better. Our intention is for each cup of Social Alchemy to be an anchor which supports slowing down and being present here and now. The more present we are in small moments the more we actually LIVE.

We’re excited for what’s yet to come…

Waters Co Australia Water Filters

Waters Co Australia Water Filters


No manufacturer of water filters has won as many awards for quality or as many high level endorsements & associations as Waters Co Ltd.
Est. in 1977 Waters Co Ltd Based in South Korea, have been exporting water filtration products to Australia & the world since 1984. Our products have been stringently tested resulting in a number of certifications & quality awards from internationally recognised bodies including:

  • ISO (International Organisation for Standardisation)
  • CE (Conformite European)
  • NSF International filter media (International standards testing of Water filtration products) Pre-filter & Activated Carbon
  • Korea Environment & Water Works Institute
  • USA FDA (Food & Drug Administration)
  • Water Quality Association
  • Olympic Scientific Congress
  • USA EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
  • International Star Quality Awards (Geneva, Switzerland, Spain)
  • KQA (Korea Quality Assurance)
  • World Quality Commitment Award
  • Most Environmentally Conservative Company (Korean Ministry of Environment)

This means you can be confident that your investment will meet your level of expectations for a water filter every time.

Jo Whitton’s Quirky Cooking

Quirky Cooking is more than just a blog – it is a beautiful, supportive community.

Alongside the blog is a podcast called A Quirky Journey, a lively Facebook community (which includes the main page plus chat groups and private support groups), the Quirky Cooking for Gut Health online program, and best-selling cookbook, Life-Changing Food.

They run gut health retreats and seminars around Australia, and love getting to know their Quirky Cooking tribe both online and in person.

Here you will find plenty of help and encouragement that you need on your journey to good health.