Leonie Reisberg, Director Kidslink Kidslink has been running for almost 17 years. It is a social/emotional program for children and teens who are struggling to find a comfortable place socially for themselves at school and in the world at large. Children and teens come to Kidslink and join a small (4-6) group of peers that meets once a week along the school calendar. In the group they experience sharing, connecting and having fun alongside learning "how it happens" We use a variety of modalities so that it's not boring and addresses different styles of learning. Children and teens give each other constructive feedback about behaviours in the group and receive modelling and encouragement from the therapist to try new ways that will work better for them. We find that there is an increase of self esteem, an increase in enjoyment in their life and a new skill set that they can take out into the world.

 Social Skills /  New South Wales

PEERS Australia (Programme for the Education & Enrichment of Relational Skills) Our focus is upon developing strengths-based approaches for individuals with autism, ADHD and other social challenges, that optimise individual capacities and create a more equitable and inclusive Australia. Our goals are to engage in best practice and to scale systemic change, as well as forge pathways for debate, collaboration and innovation. To address our vision, we need valuable expertise, inclusive research collaboration, engagement with all stakeholders, including families, service providers, educators, and research specialists and importantly, we need influence to sustain solutions and create mechanisms for a strategic shift. Director of PEERS Australia: Beverley Witherington ADHD Support Australia offer a PEERS Social Skills Program for Adolescents & Young Adults

 Social Skills /  Sydney

PEERS Social Skills for Teens & Young Adults Program PEERS® stands for Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills.   The PEERS® program is an internationally acclaimed, evidence-based social skills group program for adolescents and young adults with social challenges.   Originally developed by Dr Elizabeth Laugeson at the University of California (UCLA) PEERS®, the programme has a strong evidence-base for use with adolescents and young adults with Aspergers/ASD, but is also highly appropriate for those with ADHD, anxiety, depression, learning difficulties, those who may be twice exceptional or gifted and talented or indeed anyone experiencing social challenges.   The program assists motivated teens and young adults with social challenges who are interested in learning ways to help them make and keep friends.   Explicitly teaching how to navigate common social challenges allows the formation of more positive relationships.   Teens/Young Adults learn how to … Develop & maintain friendships Improve conversational skills Choose appropriate friends & find common interests Appropriately use electronic forms of communication Appropriately use humour & assess humour feedback Start, enter & exit conversations between peers Organise successful get-togethers with friends Be a good sport when playing games and/or sports with friends Handle arguments &...

 Social Skills /  Telehealth

This is the place where young autistic people can search for autism friendly activities and connect with like-minded people with similar interests. Try a new hobby or explore your interests further. Connect with a peer mentor. Find your passion. Get social. Check out our website here!        

 Social Skills /  Australia

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