Gutsy Kids Nutritional Care Jen Galland I work with parents and their kids , who have suspected or diagnosed ADHD to minimise symptoms through addressing nutritional and lifestyle changes

 Nutritionist /  New South Wales

The Padarin Health Team:   Helen Padarin Naturopath, Nutritionist, Herbalist, MAPS Practitioner, Chek Institute Holistic Lifestyle Coach Helen specialises in helping with chronic conditions from autoimmune disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, ASD and ADHD, all of which have many overlapping underlying factors. Helen utilises dietary intervention, naturopathic solutions and a biomedical approach for the effective treatment of these conditions. A Naturopath, nutritionist, medical herbalist and author, Helen has been in clinical practice since 2001.  She works from one of Sydney's most highly regarded integrated medical centres along with GP's, a paediatrician and other practitioners.   Since 2011 Helen has been a regular presenter and ambassador for the Mindd Foundation and has presented for Health Masters Live and ACNEM, providing post-graduate education for GP’s, naturopaths, nutritionists and other health care professionals. Helen holds a bachelor degree in Health Sciences (Naturopathy), advanced diplomas in nutrition, herbal medicine and massage and has completed extensive post-graduate training in treatment for metabolic, neurologic, digestive and immune disorders. Book your consult with Helen here: Pip Smith Naturopath & Nutritionist Pip found her own children were suffering from multiple chemical sensitivities and a myriad of health concerns from a very young age. This led her on a wellness journey...

 Nutritionist /  New South Wales

Jules Galloway - Naturopath Jules Galloway Naturopathic consultations via Zoom. Special interest in mental health, adult ADHD, inflammation, gut issues and complex cases.

 Nutritionist /  Melbourne

We’re people that have been there; in the bathroom, the doctor’s office, the hospital. Mothers, fathers, nutritionists and researchers. People who have gut health issues and a that help those with gut health issues. We make the products and programs we want and need. The products we give to our family and friends. From our family to yours, we’re here to change culture with our cultures.

 Nutritionist /  Queensland

Carolyn Ledowsky is the founder of MTHFR Support Australia. She is a naturopath, herbalist and nutritionist who has a Bachelor of Herbal Medicine, Bachelor of Naturopathy, Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy and Diploma of Nutrition, also having studied courses in genetics at Duke University and The University of Maryland in the US. Carolyn is a results-oriented health expert who has the ability to provide straightforward and practical advice to address your specific health issues, working with you through the entire course of your healing. Carolyn’s key focus is looking at how your genes impact your health and make you more susceptible to disease. This insight and a thorough health history is invaluable in setting a correct path for your future health. Carolyn is a regular speaker at MTHFR events and provides both patient and practitioner training through her many webinars/presentations and on-line learning environments. She regularly contributes to Dr Jess Armine’s radio programme on Blog Talk Radio in the US, has worked with supplement company Nutrition Care on a national MTHFR speaking tour and is an expert contributor at Conceive Baby.  

 Nutritionist /  New South Wales

  Jane Miles Medical Herbalist | Clinical Nutritionist | Iridologist | Kinesiologist | Mindfulness Teacher I am a naturopath with 20 years experience in natural health solutions for children and families in offering natural and effective treatment options for children with ADHD/ADD. Nutrition is very important focus of mine with many children presenting with intolerances.  I also like to educate my clients with a deeper understanding to  the brain’s chemistry by gene and methylation testing. Herbal and nutritional support is very effective in relaxing the nervous system, releasing stress and calming the mind either alone or to support alongside conventional therapy.

 Nutritionist /  New South Wales

Sal Prothero is a Clinical Nutritionist (BHSc Nutritional Medicine), author and presenter. Her special interests lie in gut health and mental health. The two are closely related. You can be any age struggling with mental health issues – diet and nutrition can play a huge role. Sal specializes in: ✔ Depression ✔ Anxiety ✔ ADHD ✔ ASD ✔ Behavioural disorders ✔ Learning difficulties Sal has the time to truly get to the bottom of each person’s issues. She loves putting together the ‘puzzle pieces’ to form a real understanding of the true causes of health issues. She adopts a functional medicine approach to restoring your health and well-being which includes an investigation into your health history, presenting symptoms, as well as the use of the latest functional pathology testing to find the underlying root causes. This is a holistic, collaborative approach which focuses on addressing your diet, nutrient deficiencies, food sensitivities, lifestyle, mindset and supporting gut health. Click here for more information. If you would like to have a chat with Sal to see how she can help you, she offers a free 20 minute Zoom health assessment call. Please click here to book a day/time.

 Nutritionist /  Victoria

The Neurodivergent Naturopath Caroline Kennedy I work with neurodivergent persons who struggle with sleep, emotional and physical regulation such as hyper-activity, aggression and inattention, to assist them to achieve exceptional quality of life. I do this by providing personlised, easy to take, nutritional supplements. Sometimes herbs may be prescribed, depending on the persons ability to swallow capsules or face bitter herbal flavours. All my treatments are designed to support your body and correct any underlying biochemistry which may not be working optimally. Dietary and lifestyle advice will also be provided.

 Nutritionist /  Queensland

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