​Dr James Wickramasuriya (Wick) is a specialist Child, Adolescent and Family Psychiatrist with 20 years’ experience in treating emotional and behavioural difficulties, including by telepsychiatry.  He graduated from the USyd in 1999 and trained at the St Mary’s Hospital, London and in Sydney at the Institute of Psychiatry at Redbank House, Rivendell Adolescent Unit and the Children’s Hospital at Westmead. Dr Wick is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and a member of the Faculty of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. Dr Wick worked for over 16 years as Senior Staff Specialist at Redbank House in-patient Child, Adolescent and Family Service and was Clinical Director of Adolescent Services. Currently he also works at Royal Far West, Manly; as Senior Consultant at Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District; and the Black Dog Institute Randwick, where he is furthering his interest in difficult-to-diagnose and manage complex mood disorders. ​ Dr Wick’s specialist interests includes behavioural & complex anxiety/mood disorders and management of complex childhood trauma. He utilises treatment modalities informed by medical, family systems, attachment, behavioural, cognitive, psycho-dynamic and trauma-informed theory. He works with family members together and individually and collaborates with other professionals.        

 Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist /  New South Wales

Northshore Kidspace has a team of clinicians including specialist child and adolescent psychiatrists (Professor Garry Walter, Dr Damian Fong), clinical psychologists (Dr Catherine Udy and Dr Karyn Flower)and a psychologist, Mr Brad Marshall. Professor Garry Walter offers diagnostic and medication management and treatment of co-morbid conditions and Dr Damian Fong offers diagnostic and medication management. The other clinicians offer behavioural management of ADHD and treatment for co-morbid disorders. Contact details: Brad Marshall 0402 727 311 bridget@northshorekidspace.com.au (to contact his assistant Bridget Sullivan) Dr Damian Fong 0402 727 311 bridget@northshorekidspace.com.au (to contact his assistant Bridget Sullivan) Dr Catherine Udy 02 8287 1227 DrUdy.admin@northshorekidspace.com.au Dr Karyn Flower NA karynadmin@northshorekidspace.com.au Renata Hadzic NA renata.admin@northshorekidspace.com.au Rosalie Clark 02 8287 1214 rosalie@northshorekidspace.com.au Prof Garry Walter 02 8287 1280 gwalterreception@outlook.com Dr Cecilia Wan NA use the contact form on her profile page at www.northshorekidspace.com.au

 Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist /  New South Wales

Transforming the capabilities of children (age 6-18 years) with learning difficulties, by providing parents with the tools, education and personalised support they need to unlock their child’s learning potential.   An overwhelming body of evidence shows that at the heart of ADHD, autism and other learning difficulties are poor working memory and executive function skills. These skills CAN be improved and the effects are life changing! Time and time again I have worked with kids who have poor working memory/executive functioning who have not received any help to overcome these difficulties. I created the Switched-On Kids Cognition Program to specifically help you, help your child (ages 6 to 18) boost vital cognitive skills that underlie ALL learning. Click here for more info        

 Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist /  Telehealth

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