Tim Dansie provides a relaxed and friendly environment for children, families and adults that allows for an improved level of counseling outcomes. Tim provides counselling services for a wide range of issues including: • Depression • Anxiety • Post-traumatic stress disorder • Sleep issues • Child and adolescent development • Lifestyle balance • Stress • Eating disorders • Gambling and addictions • Grief and loss • Sporting performance • Time management • Pain management • Social avoidance • Alcohol and drug use • Anger management Click here to learn more        

 Counsellor /  South Australia

TSAA is unique in that it is the only organisation that supports people with Tourette Syndrome and chronic tic disorders Australia-wide. TSAA is a self funded registered charity run by volunteers and has been operating since 1989. The Association works to increase awareness of Tourette Syndrome to help those affected by Tourettes to live a normal life, gain public acceptance and to assist medical research into the disorder. TSAA's 29 years of experience includes telephone support, email support, an informative website, Facebook and closed FB Groups. We offer services to help break down the isolation many people with TS experience, particularly in rural areas. TSAA has a National Camp Program, with Tourette ’s camps in the following states: NSW, QLD, VIC and ADL. Our service includes educational & resource materials about Tourette Syndrome and comorbits (like ADHD), quarterly newsletters to inform and help connect those with TS. TSAA has support groups in all states and territories (research has shown support groups perform a valuable function in the after diagnosis period for persons with TS). The organisation runs educational forums, conferences and social events, school in-service programs (school talk packs aimed at both the children & staff of schools to assist with...

 ADHD Co-morbid Support Groups /  New South Wales

What we do Supported travel and social events for young adults on the autism spectrum or with hidden disabilities. Many young people on the autism spectrum or with hidden disabilities struggle to fit in to the world. They find it hard to make friends, or to build independence apart from family. Some may spend a lot of energy trying to fit in, by masking and adapting to a society they feel like they don’t belong in. While some just need a bit of support, and watch others enjoying this world without being able to access it themselves. Being excluded or struggling to find your people can cause loneliness, anxiety and other challenges. Then add the complexity of travelling and planning travel. This is why we started Travengers AU – Supported Youth Travel. Everyone deserves the opportunity to socialise, travel and to be a valid part of a community, and to be accepted and appreciated. Through Travengers we enable building social networks and friendships, travel and build skills and confidence to move forward. And we aspire to educate others around us on our way. Click here to find out more        

 Kids & Teens Activities /  Australia

Tuned in Music Therapy Tuned In Music Therapy provides individual and group music therapy programs for children, adolescents and adults to enhance health, ability and well-being.  We have experience supporting a range of disabilities including autism, ADHD, physical and intellectual disabilities, stroke and brain rehabilitation and younger onset dementia. Music therapy is an evidence-based practice that involves the intentional use of music to achieve non-musical goals to enhance an individual's everyday life.  Our supports are delivered by music therapists professionally registered with The Australian Music Therapy Association. Our programs are person-centred and tailored to the individual using a blend of known and improvisational (created in the moment) music.  The music therapist uses their musical skills and therapeutic knowledge to develop appropriate interventions to strengthen abilities and achieve non-musical goals that are agreed with participants, families and, where possible, in collaboration with other service providers. We often report positive change for participants who attend our programs in cognitive, behavioural, communication, sensory motor and socio-emotional abilities.  You can read more on our website about how music therapy works and see a little of what it looks like. No musical experience is required and individuals achieve their goals through active musical play on...

 Music Therapy /  New South Wales

We are located in a beautiful Tweed Heads in New South Wales which is next to the border with Queensland. We offer treatment for people with mental illnesses such as, but not limited to, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, OCD, ADHD, eating disorders, personality disorders, psychotic disorders, and substance use disorders. we also offer OT functional assessments for NDIS applications. Management plans are formulated based on the comprehensive assessments taking into the uniqueness of each situation using medications where appropriate and psychological approaches where indicated. To see a psychiatrist at our centre, you need a referral letter from your General Practitioner (GP) which is usually valid for 12 months. Find out more here          

 Psychiatrist /  New South Wales

We are located in a beautiful Tweed Heads in New South Wales which is next to the border with Queensland. We offer treatment for people with mental illnesses such as, but not limited to, depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, OCD, ADHD, eating disorders, personality disorders, psychotic disorders, and substance use disorders. we also offer OT functional assessments for NDIS applications. Management plans are formulated based on the comprehensive assessments taking into the uniqueness of each situation using medications where appropriate and psychological approaches where indicated. To see a psychiatrist at our centre, you need a referral letter from your General Practitioner (GP) which is usually valid for 12 months. Find out more here          

 Psychologist /  New South Wales

Twice Exceptional Educational Consultancy Rhonda Filmer - BA GradDipEd, COGE, M.EdAdmin (UNSW) & Chair of SPELD NSW I take appointments to discuss the learning profiles of bright and gifted children (but no-one is excluded – this is just my specialty) when there is underachievement and even failure to thrive at school. Often, there is undiagnosed ADHD or ADHD (PIP), sometimes with Specific Learning Disabilities as well. I do standardised Achievement testing and report to families and schools, I accompany parents to Learning Support team meetings at school to explain the challenges faced by children with ADHD and to demonstrate the need for remediation/ curricular adjustments. I also tutor students who have fallen behind their expected levels of achievement and progress at school and/or extend them in their areas of learning strength.

 Learning Disabilities Support /  New South Wales

Unconventional Organisation provides research-backed group and individual coaching to people with ADHD or executive dysfunction challenges. Unconventional Organisation can help you set and achieve your goals, no matter where in the world you are based. Our coaches 'walk the talk'. Every coach has lived experience of ADHD and implementing the strategies we coach. Skye is the Founder, ADHD Coach and researcher. An academic with over seven years of experience working in adult education. She has studied in various fields, including Psychology, Sociology, and Public Health, and is now a Doctoral Candidate in Population Health. Skye was diagnosed with ADHD at the start of her doctorate. Since then, she has dedicated time to researching and disseminating ADHD studies, focusing on supporting others with strengths-based, neurodiverse-friendly tools and systems. How it Works. Take your first step with us. STEP 1 Fill out a quick online assessment to see if ADHD Coaching is right for you. 6 questions to help us determine if ADHD coaching is for you. CLICK NOW TO START THE ASSESSMENT

 ADHD Coach /  Telehealth

Tania Rowan is a Personal Development Coach & Consultant who specialises in helping people with ADHD and executive function issues.  She offers ADHD Education & Awareness Workshops for educators, sporting clubs and families. With over 26 years in teaching martial arts, and 14 years working in the fitness industry, Tania has seen first-hand the benefits of exercise for people with ADHD. She is able to bring her knowledge in this area to deliver workshops to Martial Arts schools and help clients with exercise programming. Click here to see her Facebook page          

 ADHD Coach /  Telehealth

Veritas Art Psychotherapy Anita Khalil I have a lived-experience of ADHD myself, and am a Masters qualified Art Therapist. Art therapy is a way to bypass thought and speech and communicate right from the subconscious, as well as to explore and express things non-verbally. The new studio address is Wellbeing Chiropractic, 3 Manuka Road Berwick (the Beaconsfield end of Berwick) and any studio-based appointments scheduled from 13th Nov onwards will be at the new location. If you take Public Transport, there are local busses nearby, and the Beaconsfield station is a 22 min walk. Your reminder text should have the new location in it to remind you, and I'll remind you before your first appointment there too. There's limited parking on-site, and plenty on the street. Veritas will be closed from 21st Dec - 2nd Jan inclusive. If your regular appointment falls during this period and you would like to book in for an extra session before that time, please give me a call or message and we can arrange a make-up appointment.

 Psychotherapist /  Victoria

Veritas Art Psychotherapy Anita Khalil I have a lived-experience of ADHD myself, and am a Masters qualified Art Therapist. Art therapy is a way to bypass thought and speech and communicate right from the subconscious, as well as to explore and express things non-verbally. The new studio address is Wellbeing Chiropractic, 3 Manuka Road Berwick (the Beaconsfield end of Berwick) and any studio-based appointments scheduled from 13th Nov onwards will be at the new location. If you take Public Transport, there are local busses nearby, and the Beaconsfield station is a 22 min walk. Your reminder text should have the new location in it to remind you, and I'll remind you before your first appointment there too. There's limited parking on-site, and plenty on the street. Veritas will be closed from 21st Dec - 2nd Jan inclusive. If your regular appointment falls during this period and you would like to book in for an extra session before that time, please give me a call or message and we can arrange a make-up appointment.

 Youth Mental Health /  Victoria

Veritas Art Psychotherapy Anita Khalil I have a lived-experience of ADHD myself, and am a Masters qualified Art Therapist. Art therapy is a way to bypass thought and speech and communicate right from the subconscious, as well as to explore and express things non-verbally. The new studio address is Wellbeing Chiropractic, 3 Manuka Road Berwick (the Beaconsfield end of Berwick) and any studio-based appointments scheduled from 13th Nov onwards will be at the new location. If you take Public Transport, there are local busses nearby, and the Beaconsfield station is a 22 min walk. Your reminder text should have the new location in it to remind you, and I'll remind you before your first appointment there too. There's limited parking on-site, and plenty on the street. Veritas will be closed from 21st Dec - 2nd Jan inclusive. If your regular appointment falls during this period and you would like to book in for an extra session before that time, please give me a call or message and we can arrange a make-up appointment.

 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Support /  Victoria

Veritas Art Psychotherapy Anita Khalil I have a lived-experience of ADHD myself, and am a Masters qualified Art Therapist. Art therapy is a way to bypass thought and speech and communicate right from the subconscious, as well as to explore and express things non-verbally. The new studio address is Wellbeing Chiropractic, 3 Manuka Road Berwick (the Beaconsfield end of Berwick) and any studio-based appointments scheduled from 13th Nov onwards will be at the new location. If you take Public Transport, there are local busses nearby, and the Beaconsfield station is a 22 min walk. Your reminder text should have the new location in it to remind you, and I'll remind you before your first appointment there too. There's limited parking on-site, and plenty on the street. Veritas will be closed from 21st Dec - 2nd Jan inclusive. If your regular appointment falls during this period and you would like to book in for an extra session before that time, please give me a call or message and we can arrange a make-up appointment.

 Counsellor /  Victoria

Veritas Art Psychotherapy Anita Khalil I have a lived-experience of ADHD myself, and am a Masters qualified Art Therapist. Art therapy is a way to bypass thought and speech and communicate right from the subconscious, as well as to explore and express things non-verbally. The new studio address is Wellbeing Chiropractic, 3 Manuka Road Berwick (the Beaconsfield end of Berwick) and any studio-based appointments scheduled from 13th Nov onwards will be at the new location. If you take Public Transport, there are local busses nearby, and the Beaconsfield station is a 22 min walk. Your reminder text should have the new location in it to remind you, and I'll remind you before your first appointment there too. There's limited parking on-site, and plenty on the street. Veritas will be closed from 21st Dec - 2nd Jan inclusive. If your regular appointment falls during this period and you would like to book in for an extra session before that time, please give me a call or message and we can arrange a make-up appointment.

 Addiction Specialist /  Victoria

Tammi Kirkness is a Life Coach who specialises in working with women who are overwhelmed, over-it and at risk of burn out. For those who are ready to up-level their lives, she works holistically to help them find peace and the best possible balance. Having worked previously as a Clinician in the UK with children with ADHD, she brings her knowledge now to the coaching space in working with their parents to help them feel grounded, content and in control. Tammi uses a mix of traditional coaching methodology, eastern energy healing techniques, EFT, her corporate background, and psychology and business degree to help her clients re-energise and reach their full potential. She has a special interest in working to help women manage perfectionism, high functioning anxiety and facilitating the enhancement of self-love in their daily practices.

 Life Coach /  New South Wales

Vivian Dustan ADHD Coach Who do I help through ADHD Wellness Coaching? I help: · Parents · Young Adults 18+ · Adults in navigating all areas of life including · Family & Parenting · Vocational, Career & Business · Social & Interpersonal · Getting Organized · Problem-solving · Daily or Long-term Planning · Managing Time · Health, Wellness & Nutritional Goals · Setting & Achieving Goals Adults with ADHD I understand from personal experience that living with ADHD can be a challenging experience at times and can sometimes find people feeling overwhelmed, misunderstood and hopeless. You may have developed low confidence, or a negative self-image after years of feeling as though you just can’t get on top of life or that you’re not reaching your potential or being able to create the vision you have for your life. Maybe you feel you have achieved in life but want to go to the next level. Or perhaps one area of your life is great whilst another area is suffering badly. I’d love to partner with you to create greater self-awareness and understanding about your strengths and positive attributes and what works or doesn’t work for you. I’d love the opportunity to...

 ADHD Coach /  New South Wales

We have been passionate about helping children and adults with learning and behavioural issues for many years. We know how much impact can be made if a learning disorder is detected early enough. Intervention can drastically affect a child’s academic and general wellbeing. It’s important that the child knows that a learning disorder does not mean they are “dumb” or “stupid” or “lazy.” It just means that they need to learn in a different way. Michael is a highly qualified psychologist with over 20 years’ experience helping children with learning difficulties. Michael is the only psychologist in Adelaide who focuses solely on educational assessments. He’s passionate about child learning/behavioural issues, but also about the family’s wellbeing as a whole. Our assessments include an initial consultation, a comprehensive written report and a feedback session with the parent. With your permission, we can also liaise with your child’s school to assist in developing a personalised learning plan for your child. Since we make use of a reliable and comprehensive digital assessment system through iPads, our educational assessments also take less time and are more accurate and reliable.        

 Psychologist /  South Australia

We Rock the Spectrum- Kids Gym For All Kids! Meet the Owners! Maritza, Luis, and their family have always wanted to open a business to help children with special needs and their families. They have a daughter with autism and have been searching for a place for her to feel like she belonged. We Rock the Spectrum provided that space and they are happy to be able to give other families and their children a place to call their own. Martiza and Luis are excited to start this new journey and provide a judgement-free and all inclusive space for all children! Our Gym Includes: Suspended equipment with swings – for balance and vestibular treatment Crash mats and crash pillows – for fun, motor planning, and strength Zip line – for stress release and joint and body relaxation Trampoline – for building leg and core strength Indoor play structure – for climbing and increasing playground skills Sensory-based toys – for improved auditory processing and fine motor skills Fine Motor and Arts and Crafts Area – for improved hand-eye coordination Gym Hours: Mon-Fri: 9:30am – 6pm, Sat-Sun: 9:30am-5pm

 Kids & Teens Activities /  New South Wales

Wende Jowsey We offer a trauma sensitive community, supporting those affected with practical health and wellbeing programs to truly reset and rebuild lives. Each individual life matters and together we can limit the harm the cycle of abuse is causing our community. We do this by providing long-term support for women as they transition from short-term crisis care to full recovery from domestic abuse, trauma and deep loss. Helping one woman to reset her life, develop a positive outlook and build healthier relationships will have positive outcomes beyond the individual; benefits will be passed onto children, family, friends, colleagues and society as a whole.

 Adult Support Group /  New South Wales

Western Children’s Health Centre is a private multidisciplinary paediatric clinic, which provides full health services for children and adolescents up to 16 years of age. Our stellar team of practitioners includes paediatricians, ENT surgeons, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, audiologists and dietitians, all of who can provide you and your child with holistic and comprehensive care. They have 2 locations. See both below: Altona Meadows 152 Central Avenue Altona Meadows, VIC 3028   Sydenham 556 Melton Hwy Sydenham, VIC 3037   Check out their website to find out more!            

 Paediatrician /  Victoria

Western Specialist Centre (WSC) is a private women’s & children’s clinic. Our team includes: * Paediatricians * Gynaecologists * Uro Gynaecologist * Obstetricians * Paediatric Psychologist/Speech Therapist/Occupational Therapist * Women’s and Children’s * Imaging Specialists *Paediatric General Surgeon * Paediatric ENT Surgeon * Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon * Surgical services * Melbourne Pathology is on site. We work in conjunction with your GP and we may also liaise with your schools, maternal health nurses and other Allied Health professionals. WSC is the only private specialist centre in Victoria providing all specialist services for women’s health and children’s health. It is located in the convenient location on Main Road West, close to the St Alban’s train station. WSC is a new purpose  built, child friendly specialist centre  and  is easily accessible by all means of public transport & has plenty of car parking. Locations: 131 Main Rd W. St Albans, VIC 3021 113-115 Princes Hwy, Werribee, VIC 3030          

 Paediatrician /  Victoria

Western Specialist Centre (WSC) is a private women’s & children’s clinic. Our team includes: * Paediatricians * Gynaecologists * Uro Gynaecologist * Obstetricians * Paediatric Psychologist/Speech Therapist/Occupational Therapist * Women’s and Children’s * Imaging Specialists *Paediatric General Surgeon * Paediatric ENT Surgeon * Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon * Surgical services * Melbourne Pathology is on site. We work in conjunction with your GP and we may also liaise with your schools, maternal health nurses and other Allied Health professionals. WSC is the only private specialist centre in Victoria providing all specialist services for women’s health and children’s health. It is located in the convenient location on Main Road West, close to the St Alban’s train station. WSC is a new purpose  built, child friendly specialist centre  and  is easily accessible by all means of public transport & has plenty of car parking. Locations: 131 Main Rd W. St Albans, VIC 3021 113-115 Princes Hwy, Werribee, VIC 3030            

 General Practitioner /  Victoria

Evidence-based psychological assessment, diagnosis and treatment provided by Dr Elizabeth Seeley-Wait and her team of compassionate and professional psychologists Dr. Elizabeth Seeley-Wait Clinical Psychologist; EdM (Harvard), MS (ClinPsych), PhD (ClinPsych) Elizabeth is a clinical psychologist and internationally published researcher. Elizabeth holds several degrees including a Masters degree and PhD in Clinical Psychology (University of Massachusetts) and a Masters degree in Human Development (Harvard University). In 2007, she was selected to spend a year furthering her experience as a Fellow at the Department of Psychiatry at Yale University. She has been treating people of all ages for over 15 years. Elizabeth has presented in many seminars and conferences in national and international forums and has been invited to become an Honorary Fellow at Macquarie University. Elizabeth is also published in a number of scientific journals and is active in research and community health projects. She is passionate about working in a manner that is evidence-based yet tailored for the individual. Elizabeth is the principal of The Western and Northern Sydney Psychology Clinics and The Children’s Psychology Clinic (www.childrenspsychologyclinic.com.au) and sees people of all ages.

 Psychologist /  New South Wales

Tara Allen is an Experienced clinician passionate about supporting children to achieve their optimal level of communication development and to unlock the potential of their own wild heart. Assessment & Therapy Speech pathologist specialising in developmental speech and language disorder social communication and literacy difficulties. Gold standard assessments and evidenced-based practices. TELE-THERAPY NOW AVAILABLE ! Funding may be available through NDIS, Medicare and Private Health funds. Click here for more info  

 Speech Pathologist /  South Australia

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